With research to more security!

This is the task of ProSBAcT (Proactive Protection of User Accounts from Account Takeover), a research project by Identeco funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Identeco’s methods for account protection, which have already been scientifically validated, are to be further elaborated and scientifically accompanied by the work at ProSBAcT.

Cybercrime is considered one of the key risks of the 21st century, not only for consumers but also for businesses and critical infrastructure. Customer and employee accounts are frequently used gateways for criminal intruders into the respective IT infrastructure. Identeco protects accounts by matching access data with leaked passwords from the Internet and reporting corrupted accounts. This procedure is strictly anonymised and GDPR compliant. At ProSBAcT, research on methods is conducted that make it possible to encrypt access data immediately when it is read into the database, to store it anonymously and to forward it accordingly.

Account takeovers are an immense threat to the security of customers and companies and thus also to the economic significance of Germany and Europe. With its work at ProSBAcT, Identeco is making a contribution to maintaining the stability of Germany and Europe and in ensuring security in the internet.


For more information about ProSBAcT or Identeco, please contact us.

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research

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