Transfer Center enaCom

The Transfer Center enaCom
The Transfer Center enaCom supports members of the University of Bonn from the start-up idea to the transfer project in cooperation with business, society and politics. enaCom aims to disseminate knowledge about transfer paths and specific transfer projects to the public, advises start-up teams and provides support for a wide range of transfer activities. enaCom is the first point of contact for internal and external inquiries about start-ups and other transfer activities at the university.
Identeco and enaCom
Identeco is a spin-off of Department 4 for Cybersecurity of the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Bonn. Of course, enaCom also supported Identeco as a spin-off of the University of Bonn during its foundation and first steps. In addition, enaCom offers a wide range of networking opportunities with other start-ups, founders and potential customers and investors through events such as the start-up round table or matchmaking events. Identeco is also always happy to attend these events.